For today being the nice day of the weekend, it didn't seem like it. The sun never did come out, although you could see a lighter round spot. It was chilly, and it seems like I was cold all day. Enough whining!
Since it didn't rain, we took the dog on a little walk down to Meadowdale Park. In the Pacific Northwest, they tend to make parks out of anything that they cannot put a house on. Thus, most of Meadowdale Park is filled by Lund's Gulch. Not a gulch as you would think of in a western movie, but more of a gulch you would think of in a jungle (sorry, rainforest is the PC term). So the hike today was 1.25 miles down the hill and 1.25 miles back up the hill. It ends at the Sound in one of our typically gravelly beaches. We didn't tarry long on the beach, for the wind was blowing and it was a bit on the chilly side.
We did manage to find one Geocache today, however, the two other ones we looked for were either muggled (stolen) or misplaced. We did manage to figure out how to take pictures on the GPS. I'll include a couple so we can see how they look.
When the GPS takes a picture, it embeds the location where the picture was taken, and after doing so, it then shows it on the map. My screen shot here was taken after the pictures were taken off the camera, so the screen is less cluttered. (In one of those "Well, duh!" moments, I discovered that if you turn the screen sideways, your picture is wider than tall!)
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