Saturday, April 2, 2011

Fitness Review - 4/2

I started training this week with a backpack and my new hiking boots.  The backpack weighs just short of 30 lbs stuffed with rags, paper and golf balls.   Unfortunately, rain and work commitments helped derail the end of the week. 

Day Exercise Distance


Sun Just a bit of yard work 0.0 60 min
Mon Wii, Walk (with 28 lb. pack) 1.5 60 min
Tue Wii, Walk (with 28 lb. pack) 1.5 60 min
Wed Wii, Walk (with 28 lb. pack) 1.5 60 min
Thu Wii  0.0 30 min
Fri None 0.0 0 min
Sat Wii, Walk (with 28 lb. pack) 1.8 75 min

Ending Weight: 209.0 lbs, down .9 lbs.  According to Wii Fit, I crossed the line from Obese to Overweight today.   I'm happy about that. 

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