Thursday, March 17, 2011

Gear: Sleeping Pad

Back to weighing in.  Sleeping pads are nice to bring along because in general, life is more comfortable with a sleeping pad.  Although not required, it does allow you to sleep better at night as well as insulate the sleeper better at night. 

We'll see if this is the one I want to take.  Weighing in at approximately 1 1/2 lbs, we purchased this pad way back when we got married.  I believe I got them from an army surplus store and they're nothing more than a 1/2" sheet of closed cell foam.  I haven't used it in a long time, but if I remember right, it isn't all that comfortable.  We ended up buying a combination of other sleeping pads and air mattresses before we just broke down and bought our camper. 

I've read that in the interest of saving weight, you should cut off your sleeping pad so that it only goes from your shoulders to your thighs.  We'll see if this is an area where I want to shed some weight. 

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