Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fitness Review - Week of 3/12

This week started off with a good day (by Seattle standards), so I took the opportunity to play a round of golf.  Second week in a row that I've gotten up before work for a half-hour of exercise.  Unfortunately, it looks like the endless supply of Girl Scout Cookies is not contributing to my weight.  

Day Exercise Distance


Sun Golf 5.0 240 min
Mon Wii, Walk 1.5 60 min
Tue Wii. 0 30 min
Wed Walk, Wii. 1.5 60 min
Thu Wii, Walk.  0.5 40 min
Fri Wii. Walk 1.6 60 min
Sat Walk. 1.6 30 min

Ending Weight: 210.5 lbs. Up a bit from last week, but I didn't weigh in until after the golf game, and I think I may have been a bit dehydrated. Needless to say, the trend is down, which is good.

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