
This 12-Day Itinerary as suggested by Betty Filley in Discovering the Wonders of the Wonderland Trail.

Date Start End Mileage Elevation Gain Elevation Loss Effective Mileage
. Longmire Devil's Dream 5.9 2,400 200 8.5.
. Devil's Dream South Puyallup 6.6 1800 (est) 2800 (est) 9.8
. South Puyallup Klapatche 3.7 1800 (est) 500 (est) 5.7
. Klapatche Golden Lakes 7.7 1800 2150 10.5
. Golden Lakes Mowich Lake 10.0 70 2420 11.2
. Mowich Lake a Carbon River camp 5.4 / 11.9 . . .
. a Carbon River camp Mystic Lake 7.4 3380. 300. 11.0
. Mystic Lake Sunrise 8.8 2570. 1990. 12.4
. Sunrise Summerland 9.7 1900. 2450 12.8
. Summerland Indian Bar 4.5 1075 1640 6.3
. Indian Bar Nickel Creek 6.8 1285 2695 9.3.
. Nickel Creek Longmire 13.3 2020 2335 15.3.