Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year

The last couple of weeks have been a bit odd because of my travel schedule.  Since the Monday before Christmas, I was in Oklahoma, Virginia and North Carolina, not including the stops I made at airports in Colorado, Texas and Missouri.  The travel put a damper on my training schedule, but now I am back and ready to get started again.   My kids obviously believe that I need it since I received hand weights and an exercise ball for Christmas.  Now, I just need to follow through and get cracking. 

I haven't weighed in yet, but I know the results won't be good.  I haven't passed the "belt test" the past week.  (Can you put your belt on comfortably using the same hole you were using before you left.)  Needless to say, the surrounded by family and food for a week doesn't bode well.

The other factor that should help this is the end of football season.  Between the games on TV and the home games we went to, quite a bit of time was consumed (or wasted.  All depends on your point of view.) 

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